"Yeshua the Messiah is the same yesterday, today, and forever"
Heb. 13:8
Young girl in congregation born deaf has been being prayed for
and went to the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival when it was in
Orlando, FL. God heard her cry and has completely healed her .
She is so excited and so is everyone in the congregation.
Congregants daughter test showed she had uterine precancer cells. The congregation prayed. She had surgery and the doctor was surprised to report no cancer and the uterus looking fine. Praise to Adonai!
Congregant living on a fixed income. Car completely inoperative and worn out. Prayer went forth and God gave this lady another car with few miles, and only a 4 cylinder engine for gas mileage. Plus, free gas for one year and free insurance for one year. A gift from our God. What a God we serve!
Congregant estranged from family for many years. Even after recent reunion much anger and discourse. Congregation prayed and a word was given that God would restore this family. Less than a year later God has done major restoration and healing. The family now wants frequent gatherings and the love of God is flowing. Thank you Lord!
Pastor Joyce was diagnosed with basal cell cancer on her face. Biopsy confirmed basal cell cancer. Prayer went forth to our healing God. Surgery was performed with second biopsy report showing all clear and no further cancer cells. May Gods' name be glorified
Friend of the congregaton reported being prayed for a place to live
a house all her own. She reported today that she now has her own
home - Praise to Adonai
Breast tumor found by congregants daughter. Surgical performed tumor removed no cancer found and daughter doing just fine.
We thank our L-rd for His healing power.
Our congregation Believes in miracles, healing & deliverance.
These miracles are written to encourage you and know that God still is the same yesterday, today and forever.
(904) 501-5274